Covid relief

From the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially during the lockdown periods, Planet Hope has offered relief for the poor and underprivileged people in society. These communities have suffered drastically, due to their insecure financial situation in general and especially the loss of jobs because of the pandemic.

2020: emergency aid and awareness

Directly after the virus outbreak in March 2020 Planet Hope started providing emergency aid. For example to migrants, construction workers and daily wage workers who lost their jobs, and were forced to walk to their home states for hundreds of kilometers and suffered from food shortage. Other deprived communities – such as stone quarry, nomadic, graveyard and transgenders communities – were supported too with necessary materials and provisions such as groceries, toiletries and face masks. Besides, our community workers visited these communities to teach them about the necessary hygiene and basic Covid precautions.

2021: medical and funeral support

In the first half 2021 the second Covid wave struck India on an immense scale. Planet Hope reached out to the affected communities and started a special fundraising action. Amongst others, our local team offered their help to needy people in critical circumstances, who called the 24-hours helpline in Bangalore (Karnataka) en Nagpur (Maharashtra). They tried to locate free hospital beds and provide oxygen cylinders and medication. In addition, our team helped voluntarily at cremations and funerals, so that family members could say goodbye to their loved ones in a dignified way.

Education program online

In 2020 our education program could continue for a major part, from the vocational training courses for youngsters and women to the daycare program for children. Because of the increasing number of Covid-cases in India and the lockdown in 2021, Planet Hope had to stop its education programs on location but could continue these largely online. 


More information 

Please read the magazine Corona crisis India – combatting the virus together and our latest newsletter about our activities during the Covid pandemic.